Whether you are a greenhouse grower, nursery, or retail garden center, Ayres-Oak Insurance Services recognizes that your greenhouse business faces unique risks. We can offer an insurance program tailored to meet the specific needs of the greenhouse industry. Our agency brings over 25 years of expertise in writing insurance for greenhouses, nurseries, and horticulture businesses.
We can offer the most comprehensive coverage and customize your greenhouse program to include:
- Commercial Property Coverage
- Replacement Cost coverage on building & personal property- includes wind, hail, fire & collapse
- Equipment Breakdown- covers spoilage & perishable goods
- Business Income
- Fluctuation Peak Season Coverage
- Utility Service Direct Damage & Time Element- up to the highest peak season limit
- Spoilage
- Manufacturers Selling Price & Market Value Endorsement
- Property Special Broadening
- Inland Marine
- Transportation Coverage
- Electronic Data Processing
- Equipment & Tools Coverage
- Crime Coverage
- Employee Theft
- Money & Securities
- Data Breach
- Identity Theft
- Commercial Liability
- General Liability- Premise, Products & Operations
- Limited Pollution Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Employment Practice Liability
- Workers Compensation